CS2 Crosshair Guide


Do you realize how minor details can significantly impact your game performance? Perhaps you haven’t paid much attention to the size of your crosshair. Have you even heard of it? We bet some of you have only heard its name. However, in this article, we’ll explore this small yet crucial element that can dramatically enhance your gaming performance. Let’s get started!

What is a Crosshair in CS2

Some players mistakenly associate them with CS2 cases or skins, but in reality, a crosshair in CS2 is the aiming reticle located at the center of your screen. It provides a visual reference for where your bullets will go, making it easier to hit targets.

How to Use It

Positioning the crosshair where you anticipate enemies will appear is key, aligning it with head-level positions to maximize your chances of landing accurate shots. Keep the crosshair centered and ready while moving to quickly react to opponents. When aiming, focus on placing the crosshair on the target rather than relying solely on reflexes.

Why You Would Want to Change Your Crosshair

Customizing your crosshair in CS2 is crucial for optimizing your aiming precision. Players often customize their crosshair in CS2 to enhance their aiming effectiveness and adapt to personal preferences. Size adjustments can improve visibility, ensuring the crosshair doesn’t obstruct crucial visual information on-screen. Choosing the right color helps maintain clarity and contrast against varying map backgrounds, making it easier to track targets. Shape and thickness alterations cater to individual aiming styles. Besides, adding outlines can enhance visibility, ensuring the crosshair stands out in chaotic combat situations.

How to Cutomize Your Crosshair

You can choose between static and dynamic crosshairs, with static providing a consistent visual reference and dynamic adjusting based on movement or shooting. Adjusting the crosshair’s size and color enhances visibility and contrast, making it easier to aim accurately in various environments. Shape and thickness customization allows you to tailor the crosshair to your preference, whether you prefer a simple dot or a more intricate crosshair design. Adding outlines to the crosshair can improve visibility against different backgrounds, reducing distractions during intense gameplay.

Top CS2 Crosshair Codes and How to Apply Them

Initially, selecting the right crosshair can be challenging. In such cases, taking inspiration from professional players isn’t a bad idea. Professional players frequently change their crosshairs, so keep in mind that their preferences may be updated. Here are the current crosshair codes for the top 10 players in CS2 as of now:

Player Crosshair Code
s1mple CSGO-vJ3JH-MdZLQ-Mds33-3k2iG-9TNsK
NiKo CSGO-aD2cM-b3wW7-rb6uW-7Xo6W-PHQ6D
dev1ce CSGO-oqUDx-rPZGW-CQfJK-6eFxC-X3V7D
ropz CSGO-r5JFu-WDox7-uocQM-FbFJf-2U3fM
sh1ro CSGO-QvHaK-foLxF-CXkoG-eNj28-QYWnL
b1t CSGO-yh8bK-6FRQ8-8Dk4D-EWL27-wYFwL
huNter- CSGO-sZkbK-VozPH-FYZk6-KVWW7-fB28J
broky CSGO-nPpWL-RW6Ds-cZQRS-NVuPw-dhcsM


To apply crosshair codes in CS2, navigate to the ‚game settings‘ menu and paste the desired code to instantly change your in-game crosshair. Follow these steps for seamless integration:

  1. Click the cog symbol to access the settings menu in CS2.
  2. Navigate to ‚Game‘ and then select ‚Crosshair‘.
  3. Click on the crosshair preview image and choose ‚Share and Import‘.
  4. Paste the code into the provided field and click ‚Import‘ to apply.

This process will adjust your crosshair to match the exact settings used by professional players. It’s worth noting that many pros play on a 4:3 stretched resolution, which enlarges the crosshair compared to the default 16:9 resolution. If you wish to retain your current crosshair code, click ‚copy my code‘ before importing a new one and save it for easy reversion back to your previous settings.

Tips and Tricks for Crosshair Placement

Don’t underestimate your crosshair. We’ve discussed its benefits previously, and now let’s focus on maximizing its effectiveness:

Advanced Crosshair Placement Strategies

Advanced crosshair placement involves positioning your crosshair where enemies are likely to appear, anticipating their movements based on game sense and map knowledge. By pre-aiming at common angles and head-level positions, you can react faster to opponents and increase your chances of landing accurate shots.

Crosshair Placement for Different Maps

Crosshair placement varies across different maps in CS2 due to their unique layouts and strategic points. On open maps like Dust2, long-range engagements require a precise crosshair placement at head height to secure kills efficiently. Conversely, on compact maps such as Nuke or Inferno, tighter angles and close-quarters combat demand a crosshair placed closer to corners and chokepoints.

Crosshair Placement for Different Weapons

Effective crosshair placement also depends on the type of weapon you’re using. With rifles and sniper rifles, placing your crosshair at head level is crucial for one-shot kills and maximizing damage output. When wielding shotguns or SMGs, adjusting your crosshair lower to compensate for their higher recoil and spread patterns improves accuracy.

Troubleshooting Common Crosshair Issues

Encountering issues with your crosshair is unavoidable. Here, we’ve compiled common problems you might encounter and quick fixes for each:

Crosshair Visibility Problems

Crosshair visibility issues occur when your crosshair blends into the background or becomes difficult to see during intense gameplay. This can happen due to inadequate contrast between the crosshair color and the environment, or because of distracting visual elements in the game. To improve visibility, adjust your crosshair color to a contrasting hue that stands out against most backgrounds.

Crosshair Not Centered

When your crosshair is not centered on the screen, it can affect your accuracy and responsiveness in aiming. This misalignment may occur due to accidental mouse movements or changes in sensitivity settings. To center your crosshair, ensure your mouse pad and mouse surface are clean and free from obstructions that could cause unintended movements. Adjust your mouse sensitivity in the game settings to fine-tune your aiming precision. Regularly check and adjust your mouse settings to maintain a centered crosshair for consistent aiming performance.

Resolving Crosshair Lag or Delay

Crosshair lag or delay can occur when there is a delay between your mouse movements and the corresponding movement of the crosshair on-screen. This delay is often caused by issues such as high ping, low frame rates, or input lag from the mouse or monitor. To reduce crosshair lag, optimize your game settings for better performance, including lowering graphics settings if necessary to improve frame rates. Ensure your mouse drivers are up to date and adjust your mouse sensitivity to minimize input lag. Connecting to a stable internet connection can also help reduce ping-related delays, improving the responsiveness of your crosshair movements.


In this article, we’ve explored the crosshair in CS2. Enough reading; you’re well-informed. Now, take action: apply one of the provided crosshair codes and start racking up those kills. Best of luck in your games!